Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010


Course : Structure 2
Code :
Credit : 2 SKS
Lecturer :
Course Description
Grammar 2, as the continuation of Grammar 1, focuses on deeper discussion on Parts of Speech such as verbs and auxiliaries, noun and determiners, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. To ensure understanding, students are given routine exercises as available in student’s workbook. Correction on student’s work becomes feedback for their self-development.

Course Objectives
Upon completing this subject, students are expected to be able to:
1. differentiate between verbs and auxiliaries;
2. use the semantic of the verb phrase in their daily activities;
3. differentiate adjectives from adverbs and how they are formed;
4. recognize preposition and prepositional phrase

Course Requirements
Students are required to have at least 80% attendance, complete all assignments, and actively participate in the classroom discussion.

Grading Policy
Scores are drawn from attendance, assignment, mid-test, and final test in equal proportion.

Tentative Schedule
Session Topics
1 Review of the previous material
2 Verbs and auxiliaries 1
3 Verbs and auxiliaries 2
4 The semantic of the verb phrase 1
5 The semantic of the verb phrase 2
6 Nouns and determiners 1
7 Nouns and determiners 2
8 Midterm test
9 Pronouns 1
0 Pronouns 2
11 Adjectives
12 Adverbs
13 The semantic and grammar of adverbials
14 Preposition
15 Prepositional phrase
16 Final test

Azar, B. S., & Hagen, S. A. (2006). Basic English Grammar (3rd Edition). Pearson Education: New York.
Butt, David. (1995). Using Functional Grammar: An Explorer’s Guide. Sidney: Australia.
Greenbaum, Sidney and Randolph Quirk. (1990). A Student’s Grammar of the English Language. Longman:. England
Murphy, Raymond. (1988). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press.
Salahuddin (2010). The Book of English Grammar. STKIP Taman Siswa: Bima

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