Senin, 26 Juli 2010

Improving SMPN 25 Bima capacity in responding effectively to changes in external contexts


Master of Education (Leadership and Management), Flinders University


In recent years schools organisations are facing great pressures from external contexts. SMPN 25 Bima, an Indonesian secondary junior school which is located in West Nusa Tenggara province, has the same challenge. The notion of competing with other schools and public enquiry to be accountable for the result of students’ outcomes has pushed the school to improve their capacity. Indeed, parents, school boards members, and local government are now demanding that the school to attain higher levels of scrutiny concerning the quality of education. Parents are pressing SMPN 25 Bima to take the responsibility for educating their children. In particular, parents and community have compelling interest in ensuring at least basic student learning and show their effectiveness in creating desirable outcomes and actions

The presence of the above mentioned pressures are underpinned by the fact that students’ achievement is below the national standard. This can be seen from the result of the national final examination where the average is ten percent below the national standard. Failing to meet the national standard is coupled with the complaints from some parents that their children have poor literacy and numeracy skills. It is contended that the primary reason of those failures deals with teachers’ motivation and work climate within the school. Having observed the current condition, teachers have low motivation which effect negatively to their job satisfaction and the work climate is unconducive where individual has no willingness to share knowledge and skills to each other. In fact, these circumstances have led to the poor attainment of the students.

Given the central importance of improving the organisational capability, SMPN 25 is encouraged to strategically take necessary steps so that the fundamental objectives of increasing students’ achievements can be obtained. In pursuit to improving SMPN 25 Bima capacity, two frameworks from Shafritz, Ott & Jang (2005) are considered to be used as fundamental basis. The first is The economy of Incentives by Chester I. Barnard (1938). Bernard’s work is viewed as an important guideline in increasing job satisfaction of teaching and administrative staffs at SMPN 25 Bima. This framework can be used as a basis for a short-term goal in increasing students’ outcomes. The second framework is Changing organisational cultures which is written by Harrison M. Trice and Janice M. Beyer (1993). Trice and Beyer’s framework is viewed as an essential and suitable standpoint in managing culture at SMPN 25 Bima. This is aiming at enhancing positive work climate within the organisation. Trice and Beyer’s work will be planned as the basis for long term objective in improving students’ achievement.

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

ARTICLE REVIEW Quantitative assessment of a Senge learning organization1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

“Leaders of twenty-first century organizations are searching for ways to improve the ability of their organizations to respond more rapidly to their challenges” (Kiedrowski, 2006).

In line with the above perspective, Kiedrowski in his article Quantitative assessment of a Senge learning organization proposed Senge’s model of learning organization (LO) to be implemented in organizations. Kiedrowski conducted research by intervening Senge LO at a single company, Bank ABC in Division 123. He found out that Senge LO positively associated with employees’ attitudes which led to positive impact of the performance of Bank ABC.

There are three main reasons why Kiedrowsky undertook his research. Firstly, He contended that Senge’s model of LO has been enormously favoured by many authors but lack of empirical investigation of LO intervention. Secondly, the author referred Ellinger’s et al. notice that establishing the associations between characteristic of LO and organisational performance is the major challenge found in literature. Lastly, there has not been research about the intervention of Senge LO in a single organization.

Kiedrowski conducted comprehensive quantitative assessment of Senge LO intervention in a division of a major US banking from 2000 to 2004. The subjects of the initial study were 1,547 employees in the Division 123 of Bank ABC and over 100,000 employees of the bank was treatened as the control group. The main purposes of the researcher are to investigate the impact of Senge LO to the improvement of employee acceptance of LO concepts and to figure out wether or not the acceptance increase job satisfaction.


1. Kiedrowski, P. J. (2006). Quantitative assessment of Senge learning organization intervention. The Learning Organization, 13(4),369-383. Retrieved on 18 July 2006, from

The author reported that in 1998 Division 123 of Bank ABC acquired new six groups and expanded its products. This change led to poor profitability of the division and the author found out that the employee morale was low. Overall, based on survey undertaken in 2000 the employee job satisfaction was worse than the average for Bank ABC. To alter this condition, senior managers adopted a theory of organisational change: that was by advocating Senge’s concept of LO. After all preparations to implement Senge LO, they began to develop a shared statement of the division’s mission, vision, and values. Following they conducted training of the top 80 division managers in 2001, where all aspects of Senge LO: shared vision, mental models, personal mastery, team learning and systems thinking, were covered in the program. Survey conducted in summer 2002 revealed that positive changes in employee acceptance of Senge LO and employee job satisfaction occurred. However, some continuing weaknesses were identified. Then, they revised the division’s mission, vision, and values. In January 2003, the head of the division wrote an open memorandum to all division members describing the importance of learning and Senge LO. In the late of the year, the division developed a team member website to enhance communication among them.

The key findings of the research are: employees in Division 123 accepted Senge LO concept and their job satisfaction increased significantly. However, the study also revealed that there was no statistically difference in job satisfaction between the division and control group. The writer should have explored the reason why there was no difference in job satisfaction between the Division 123 with the control group in his study. Such analysis will be useful in determining the weaknesses in implementing Senge LO. Nevertheless, this article has put significant contribution to organizations that are searching concepts to be used to improve employee job satisfaction and morale. It is highly recommended for organisational leaders and students of leadership and management to read this article.

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Using Jumbled-letter Board (Jumbo) in teaching ESL vocabulary


This proposed study is aiming at investigating the using Jumbled-letter Board (Jumbo) in the teaching of ESL vocabulary. Specifically the study will seek the effect of the Jumbo towards the students’ motivation in learning ESL vocabulary and to find out its effect towards students’ achievement in vocabulary test. The subjects of the research will be the seventh grade students of SMPN 25 Bima, a secondary school in Indonesia. The design of the study is Non-equivalent Posttest Only Design in which 35 students of class 1A are as the experimental group and 35 students of class 1B as the controlled group. Three data collection techniques will be applied in this study. They are observation sheet, questionnaire, and achievement test. Observation sheet and questionnaire are used to determine the association between the using of Jumbo towards students’ motivation while achievement test is implemented to examine the effect of Jumbo towards the students’ achievement in learning ESL vocabulary. Both data from observation sheet and questionnaire are going to be analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient statistic whereas the test result of the two groups will be analyzed using a t-test statistic analysis. It is likely that there is positive association between the using of Jumbo and students’ motivation in learning ESL vocabulary and there is significant difference between the achievement of the students who are given treatment and students who do not receive the treatment.

Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

Attracting and retaining teachers in rural Indonesian schools: The case of SMPN 2 Wera

By: Salahuddin

It has been asserted that schools in rural communities play significant roles in improving rural life. A number of writers (eg. Barley & Beesley, 2007; Moriarty, Danaher, & Danaher, 2003 ; Halsey, 2006) contend that rural schools are essential for sustainability of rural communities. However, schools in rural communities keep facing one particular challenge which inhibits the process of achieving objectives in improving rural life. The challenge is to attract and retain teachers. Indeed, rural schools experience more difficulty in recruiting and retaining qualified staff than schools in metropolitan (Gehrke & McCoy, 2007; Halsey, 2005 in White & Reid, 2008).

In Indonesian rural contexts this particular problem is paramount. One clear example is the case which is faced by my organisation SMPN 2 Wera, a rural junior secondary school. Within the periods between 1997 and 1999 the government appointed 18 teachers for the school. However, since 2003 the school has been facing teachers shortage as most of the teachers had moved. Such a case, indeed, illustrates the difficulties in attracting and retaining teachers in rural schools. The literatures surrounding rural education appear to give little attention on this particular issue. This is due to reason that there is only a few research conducted in the topic of attracting and retaining teachers in rural schools.

This paper will focus on exploring and analysing the case of attracting and retaining teachers in Indonesian rural school contexts. For this purpose, I explore the case in my organisation, SMPN 2 Wera. In particular, my own experiences will be used as the basis of analysis. The anecdotal evidence will be in form of ‘My Story’ which reveals my own journey of experiencing working and teaching in rural school. What factors contribute to teachers attrition and how the factors are supposed to tackle will be the guiding question of this paper.

(NB. For the complete article, please contact me)

Jumat, 05 Desember 2008


By: Salahuddin

The allocation of Indonesian state budget (APBN) for education sector has always become a controversial issue. This occurs due to reason that Indonesian government is still reluctant to fulfil the percentage of the budget as already mandated by the Constitution 1945, the highest law in Indonesia. The 1945 Indonesian Constitution (section 31 article 4) requires the government to allocate at least 20% of the APBN for education sector. This allocation is also written in The Act of National Education System No. 20 year 2003 (Section 49 article 1). However, until this year the government spends only 12%.

Many parties critique the government for making such a decision. The Indonesian Teachers Union (PGRI) claim the law contravened the Constitution by failing to allocate 20% of the state budget to national education. Many claim that the education budget has been slashed significantly, provoking an outcry from many educational experts as well as grassroots educators who say achieving high standard education is impossible here without having 20 percent of the government's budget. And for some, the government decision is seen as unethical decision. The fundamental question is wether or not the government decision is right needs to be analysed.

This essay is constructed to analyse the Indonesian government’s decision on the budget for education by using ethical strategies. In pursuit of this objective, framework from Jewell, Webster, Henderson, Dodd, Paterson, & McLaughin (2008) will be used. Jewell, et al., (2008) propose four strategies; they are: principles, consequences, agreements, and virtues. To provide the context of the topic, the discourse on the budget in education sector and ethical strategies are presented.

(NB. This article was written when Indonesian government had not decided to fulfill the 20% budget in education sector)

At least this artcle is good to undertand ethical strategies in making decision. For more information about this article, feel free to contact me.

Investigating Knowledge Sharing Practices

By: Salahuddin

Knowledge is seen as a very important asset of any organisation, including schools. To winning global competition, schools should be able to effectively manage their knowledge by leveraging effective knowledge sharing practices within organisations. This study aims to investigating knowledge sharing practice in a single Indonesian school organisation. The study has a significant contribution to the understanding of knowledge sharing practice in school so that necessary strategies to improve knowledge sharing practices can be undertaken.

A case study was conducted in SMP N 2 WERA, an Indonesian junior secondary school. Several data collections such as document analysis, archival records and artefacts were used to analyse knowledge sharing practice in the school. Those data collections were combined with the researcher’s experiences and observation during he taught at the school since 1997 to current time.
The study found and concluded that knowledge sharing practices in SMP N 2 WERA has conformed to the literature to a certain degree. Knowledge sharing between individuals and between units and the SECI processes can be found at SMP 2 WERA. However, there is a certain obstacle which inhibits the types of knowledge sharing to occur; that is individual trust. The study also found that organisational and individual factors become major barriers in knowledge sharing practices. The organisational culture and ICT systems in SMP N 2 WERA do not support the knowledge sharing practices. Moreover, due to lack of understanding about knowledge sharing issues school leadership seems to have no intention to motivate individuals in the school by provision of incentives and forming and supporting communities of practice.