Senin, 06 Juli 2020


A.    The Nature of Writing
1.      Definition of Writing
Writing  is a skill that can be practiced and mastered (Blanchard, 2004: 1). It means that, writing does not only need the ability to think but also needs the ability to practice. When students can colaborate the ability to think and the ability to practice, they can be mastered in writing. Writing also can be definedas a process through which students can explore and discover their thoughts,constructing meaning and assessing it at the same time(Ho, 2006: 3).
How  makes a good piece of writing? There are some criteria offered byHeaton (1988: 146) in considering the good writing. Thosecriteria are: content, organization of ideas, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.
2.      Elements Of Good Writing
According to Blanchard (2004: 4) there are three important elements of good writing. They are:
1.    Subject
In order to write well, it is helpful to choose a topic that interest students and that they know and understand. If students are assigned a subject, try to find the focus of that subject that they find interesting and want to explore.

2.    Purpose
Whenever students write something, it is important to think about the purpose. To determine the purpose, the students  should ask themselves that ‘Why are they writing?’In general there are  three purposes of writing, those are to entertain, to inform and to persuade.
3.         Audience
What the students write about (subject) and the reason for writing ( purpose) are affected by whom students are writing for (audience). Because the students will be writing for an audience, the students will communicate their ideas more effectively if they keep their audience in their mind.
3.    The Purpose of Writing.
According to Grenville (2001, 1-3) there are three main purposes of writing, they are to entertain, to inform,and to persuade.
a.       Writing to entertain
Writing to entertain generally takes the form of so-called ‘imaginative writing’ or ‘creative writing’.It involves emotions can also be reflective and contemplative andthe readers can be entertained by something very serious, even sad, as well as by something funny. Examples of imaginative writing are novels, stories, poems, song lyrics, plays, and screenplays.
b.        Writing to inform
Writing to inform tells the reader about something. It aims to give the informations to the readers.
 The example of writing to inform are newspaper, articles, business reports, instructions, or procedures.
c.       Writing to persuade
Writing to persuade tries to convince the reader of something. It includes advertisements, some newspaper and magazine articles, and some types of essay.
4.      Aspects of Writing Assessment
            According to Heaton (1988: 146) there are five (5) aspects of criteria of teaching writing assessment. Those aspects are: The First aspect is content. Itincludes knowledge and the substantive of the writing work. In writing an essay, the content of writing must be clear and focused. It means that the ideas must be appropriate and relevant to the topic of the essay. It intends to make the content of essay is not bias and attract the readers’ interest in reading the essay. The second aspect is organization of ideas. It includes logical order and the expressions used in writing. The students’ essay shouldhave clear organizational pattern of ideas that enables the reader to follow the flow of ideas. Therefore, the organization of the essay should be logic, communicative, and clearly stated. The third aspect is vocabulary. It includes the choice of words. In this aspect, the students have to choose the appropriate words and do not make errors so the readers can understand the essay. The fourth aspect is language use. This aspect is related to the construction of the sentences and paragraph. It intends to make the students’ ideas between sentences or paragraphs are understood by the reader. The last aspect is mechanics. It relates to the grammar, capitalization, punctuation. The students’essay should be understood by the reader. Therefore, the students should pay attention to the grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. It is also related to the neatness of the students’ essay.
5.      The Role of Teacher in Teaching Writing
According to Harmer (2007: 330) there are three important roles of the teacher in teaching writing, those are:
a.       Motivator;  one of our principal in writing tasks is to motivate the students, create the right conditions  for the generation of ideas, persuade them of the usefulness of the activity and encourage them to make as much as possible the benefit of writing tasks.
b.      Resource ; especially during more extended writing tasks, the teacher should be ready  to supply informations and language if necessary. The teachers need to tell students that the teacher are available and be prepared to look at their work as it progresses, offering advice, and suggestions in a constructive way.
c.       Feedback Provider;in this case the teachers should respond positively and encouragingly to the content of what the students have written. When the teacher gives feedback and corrections on students  writing tasks, the teacher will choose what and how much to focus on, based on what the students need at this particular stage of their studies and on the tasks they have undertaken.

B.     Essay
1.         Definition of Essay
According to Richards and schmidt (2000: 186) essay is a longer piece of writing, particularly one that is writtenby a student as part of a course of study or by a writer writing for publicationwhich expresses the  writer’s viewpoint on a topic.The topic of one essay is too long and too complex  to discuss in one paragraph.Therefore, the students may divide the topic into several paragraphs one for each other major point and it is supported by Blanchard (2004: 60) that an essay is a group of pargraphs about a specific subject.
2.         The Example of Essay
Ways of Learning English

       People whose first language is not English find difficulties to learn  it. Anyonne who does not major in English always asks me how to be succesful in learning the language. They wonder why some people like me can learn English well  while others find it too difficult.  This is the problem of most indonesian people.  To those who happen to ask me, i told them that there are so many ways of learning English including by listening to radio news or English songs, by watching western films and by reading books, novels, short stories, or even coomics in English. There are still many other ways, but what i want to discuss is these three ways.
                   There are many programs on the radio that offers oppurtunity to learn English language including the news broadcasts and the song in English.  Most of them are delivered by native speakers of English.  This is benefical since we can get the informations and we can train our ears to be accustomed with the languauge.  It includes the way the words are pronounced, the choice of words, the intonation, the grammar and still others.
       People who like watching television can benefit  from  the programs the station offer, especially the one related to the English.  Besides the local plays such as a drama, film and the others, young people like watching western films.  They enjoyed the stories and at the same time they learnt the language.  Since those films are delivered in  English with their translation in Indonesian at the bottom of the screeen, learners can learn it faster.
       Still other people prefer reading books to listening to the radio or watching telelvision.  To them it is advised to include into their stocks some books  written in English includiing novels, short stories or even comics. They may begin with the texts which are easier to understand, and if they feel that their English has been improved, they  may choose more difficult ones. Sometimes they need to consult with the dictionary, but finally it is satisfiying to find that we can enjoy the story and  learn the langauge as well. People who do this activity benefit more in terms of their improvement in vocabulary and grammar, besides the moral values that the author shared in the novel.
                   It is now clear  how we can be facilitated to learn English thorugh a number of ways.  By listening to the radio or English songs, by watching western films, and by reading novels, short stories, or even comics, our English can be improved. What experience can you share to other people so that they are also succesful in learning English?(Polly, 2009: 2 - 4)

3.      Parts of Essay
There  are three main parts of an essay. According to Oshima (1983: 77), an essay has three main parts; those are an introductory paragraph, a body of paragraph and a concluding paragraph.
a.        Introductory Paragraph
Introductory paragraph is used to  introduce the topic to the writer’s audience and to state the purpose of the writer’s essay in thesis statement.Reid (1988: 57) says that the introduction often opens with a general statement about the topic and gives the reader general information about the topic that is needed to understand the essay. In line with that, Oshima (1981: 78) mentiones four purposes of introduction paragraph such as introducing the topic of the essay, indicating the overall plan of the essay, giving the general background of the topic, and arousing the reader’s interest in the topic. Look at the example of introductory paragraph below.
People whose first language is not English find difficulties to learn  it. Anyonne who does not major in English always asks me how to be succesful in learning the language. They wonder why some people like me can learn English well  while others find it too difficult.  This is the problem of most indonesian people. To those who happen to ask me, i told them that there are so many ways of learning English including by listening to radio news or English songs, by watching western films and by reading books, novels, short stories, or even coomics in English. There are still many other ways, but what i want to discuss is these three ways.

The introductory paragraph consists of two parts; they aregeneral statement and a thesis statement. According to Oshima (1983: 78), the first sentence in an introductory paragraph should be a very general comment about the subject. It aims to attract the reader’s attention and to give background information on the topic. Each subsequent sentence should become more specific than the previous one and finally lead into the thesis statement. For example; People whose first language is not English find difficulties to learn  it.
Second part is a thesis statement. According to Reid (1988: 42) a thesis sentence is generally located at the end of the introduction paragraph. This sentence is the most  general, most important  sentence in the essay. A thesis statement for an essay is just like a topic sentence for a paragraph; it names the specific topic and controlls ideas or major subdivisions of the topic. It means that, each body of paragraph has a main idea or topic sentence.
According to Oshima (1981: 76) thesis statement is the most important sentence in the introduction.It states the specific topic and the list of the major subtopics that will be discussed in the body of the essay. It often indicates the method of organization such as the chronological order. The same idea is stated by Reid (1988: 48). He states that each essay you write will contain a thesis statement. It usually consists of one sentence and states the purposes of writing. This statement must the strongest, clearest in essay and it should come at the beginning of the essay and usually at the end of the introductory paragraph, contain controlling ideas that will be used in the topic sentences of the body paragraphs of the essay and you will explain and prove in the body paragraph of the essay. The example of thesis statement is there are still many other ways, but what i want to discuss is these three ways.
b.      Body of Paragraph
Body of paragraph consists of one or more paragraphs. Each paragraph develops a subdivision of your topic, so the number of the paragraph in the body will vary with the number of subdivision. Blanchard (2004: 60) says that the supporting paragraphs are also called body. Furthermore, just as you can organize the ideas in a paragraph by chronological order you can organize the paragraph in an essay in the same ways.
Look at the example of body paragraph below:
There are many programs on the radio that offers oppurtunity to learn English language including the news broadcasts and the song in English.  Most of them are delivered by native speakers of English.  This is benefical since we can get the informations and we can train our ears to be accustomed with the languauge.  It includes the way the words are pronounced, the choice of words, the intonation, the grammar and still others.
People who like watching television can benefit  from  the programs the station offer, especially the one related to the English.  Besides the local plays such as a drama, film and the others, young people like watching western films.  They enjoyed the stories and at the same time they learnt the language.  Since those films are delivered in  English with their translation in Indonesian at the bottom of the screeen, learners can learn it faster.
Still other people prefer reading books to listening to the radio or watching telelvision.  To them it is advised to include into their stocks some books  written in English includiing novels, short stories or even comics. They may begin with the texts which are easier to understand, and if they feel that their English has been improved, they  may choose more difficult ones.   Sometimes they need to consult with the dictionary, but finally it is satisfiying to find that we can enjoy the story and  learn the langauge as well. People who do this activity benefit more in terms of their improvement in vocabulary and grammar, besides the moral values that the author shared in the novel.

c.        Concluding Paragraph 
The conclusion in an essay, like the concluding sentence in a paragraph is a summary or review of the main points in the body. According to Oshima (1983: 83), the final paragraph is the conclusion, a very important part of the essay because it contains writing summary of the main points discussed in the body of the essay or by rewriting the thesis statement in different words. Then you add your final comments on the subject. The example of concluding paragraph that consists of the summary of main points of essay and the comments on the subject.
It is now clear  how we can be facilitated to learn English through a number of ways.  By listening to the radio or English songs, by watching western films, and by reading novels, short stories, or even comics, our English can be improved. What experience can you share to other people so that they are also succesful in learning English?

4.      Kinds of Essay
According to Polly ( 2010: 258-259) there are some factual genres of essay in diffrent purposes. They are narrative, recount, procedure, description, report, explanation, and exposition/ expository essay.
The first is narrative essay. It is the one kind of essay, which aimsat telling a story or events and happenings in the world based on imagination or can be real events and usually to entertain and inform.To entertain for example, a teacher or a father usually tells a story about a rabbit to his students or child meanwhile to inform for example the student tells about the story of Toba Lake to his or her friends.
Second genre is recount.  It is used  to reconstruct past experiences by retelling events in original sequence. The third genre is procedure. It aim sat showing how processes or events are accomplished-how something is done. The fourth is description. It  purposes to give an account of imagination or factual events and phenomena. In writing a descriptive essay, the students try to describe something in detail. It means that, they describe something point by point. For example, the students want to write a descriptive essay about a mountain. It means that the students have to write it in detail from its form, size, high and the other and also the things that the students want to describe has to attract the reader’s interest.
The fifth genre is report. It is used to present information about a class of things, usually by classifying them and then describing their characteristics. The sixth genre is explanation. It is used to give reasons for a state of affairs or a judgement. The seventh genre is persuasive essay.According to Gillepsie et al  (1986: 294) persuasive essay uses all the techniques of exposition, naration  and description, but for their own purpose which is to create in an audience the desire to do or believing something. They create this desire by appealing to the reader’s emotions ( emotion appeal), and by esthablishing the writer’s credibility.
The last genre is exposition/ expository essay. Expository writing is a type of writing where the purposes are to inform, explain, describe, or define the author's subject to the reader.  This genreprovides information about and explains a particularsubject. Patterns of development within expository writing includegiving examples, describing a processof doing or making something, analyzing causes and effects, comparing and/or contrasting, defining aterm or concept, and dividing something into parts or classifyingit intocategories (Longman, 2000: 337).
According to Rawlins (1987: 275), the purpose of informative writing is to get information to the readers.  Most of the writing in the world – newspaper, instructions, cookbooks, textbooks, are informative. The samples of expository essays includeessaysto describe how to do something, how to analyze events, ideas, objects, or written works, to describe a process and to explain/describe a historical event.
There are varieties of ways to develop an expository essay. Rawlins (1987: 281) called these varieties as types of informative writing. Those ways are:
1.      Definition
According to Rawlins (1987: 283) definition is doing  what the dictionary does. It means that the students explain what a word or phrase really means based on the definition of the dictionary and then the students can explore the word or phrase. In expository writing the students might begin a definition essay with quotation of a definition from a dictionary.
According to Gillepsie et al (1986: 260) a more important kind of definition for the students of exposition is extended definition. This type is most often used with words  that have uncommon significance for the students or the readers because they are new, misused and abstract. For example, the words poverty, freedom, happiness.In the extended part the students can use naration, description, or another part of exository essay such as comparison and contrast, classification or cause and effect.
2.      Example
In this type, the students will provide and describe an example of a particular subject or group. It means that, several paragraphs in students’ essay can be developed by explaining several examples that illustratethat idea (Davis, 1983: 133).
3.      Cause and Effect
With this developmental pattern, the students will illustrate the relationship between two variables; one dependent on the other.In cause and effect essay, the students can discuss the reasons for something and discuss the results of it or discuss the first cause and the first effect and a second cause and second effect and so on.  Blanchard (2004: 101) said that when students want to analyze the reasons (causes or factors) or the results (effects, disadvantage, benefits) of something, the students should use a cause or effect types of essay.
According to Gillepsie et al  (1986: 297), this type is often used in argumentation and persuasion, because it can support logical appeal. The structure of this type like that of naration that is a series or choronological events or condition in which  the effect could not occur without preceding the causes.
4.    Classification
This developmental pattern is used to categorize multiple subjects into separate or distinct groups by certain criteria. According to Rawlins (1987: 283) classification is putting things  in a group or dividing something into parts. This idea is supported by Gillepsie et al  (1986: 260),  that division or classification  is processed by which something  is divided into its constituent parts.
Classification is one way to understand and explain a subject. Its purpose like that of all exposition is to explain and clarify. Classification  can be viewed as  a special application of comparison and contrast because the students can place the items in their classes on the basis of their similarities.
5.      Process analysis
A process analysis  is a description  of a step by step sequence, like a recipe. According to Blanchard (2004: 79), when the purpose of the students’ writing is to inform for the readers about how to do something or to describe the order of steps in a procedure, the students will write a process essay. It means that, the process analysis tells the readers about the chronological order or events.
6.      Comparison  and Contrast
With this developmental pattern, the writer will examine both the similarities and the differences between two or more distinct subjects.It means that, in this type of expository essay, the students explore how things are alike and different. Strictly, comparison means how things are alike and contrasting means how they are different.
According to Blanchard (2004: 115) very often in writing, the students will want to show how ideas, people, or things are similar or different. In this case, the students will use a comparison or contrast type of essay. When the students compare two things, they look for how are they similar. When they contrast two things  they look for  how are they different. It is important that, two things you compare or contrast  belong to the same general class.
For example, the students cannot make the comparison and contrast between a book and a dog because they belong to different class, but the students can make the comparison and contrast between dog and cat because they belong to the same class.
According to Oshima (1983: 106) a comparison answers the question how are x and y similar? For example, the comparison between apple and banana.In this comparison, the students can use the structure words which show the comparison such as similarly, likewise, also, as, just as, and, like, just like, alike, similar to, the same as, and compare to.
When the students contrast two things, the students point out the differences between them. The contrast answers the question what are the differences between x and y? On the other hand, how are x and y different? The students can use some structure words in making contrast. They are on the other hand, in contrast, while, whereas, but, different, unlike, to differ from. In organizing the comparison and contrast essay, the students can use several patterns or method. According to Blanchard (2004: 120) there are two basic patterns for writing comparison and contrast essay, they are the block method and the point-by-point method.
First is block method. In this pattern, the students can write a comparison and contrast essay by describing all the similarities of two things and then continue the differences. It means that, after the students write the thesis statement, they can describe all the similarities in the first supporting paragraph and then all the differences in the second supporting paragraph. For example,the students compare and contrast between book A and book B, based on the explanation of this pattern the students just focus first to write all the similarities between book A and book B in the first supporting paragraph and then the students continue to write differences between them in the second supporting paragraph.
The second is point-by-point method. In this method, the students identify several important points to be compared and contrasted. In the first supporting paragraph, students compare and contrast the two things according to the first point. In the second supporting paragraph, they compare and contrast the two things according to the second point, and so on. For example, the students compare and contrast the price of a book A and book B, and then compare and contrast the number of pages between them and continue to other points. The price is the first point that they can compare and contrast in the first supporting paragraph and pages is the second point that the students can compare and contrast in second supporting paragraph.

C.    Process Approach In Teaching Writing
1.      Definition of Process Approach
According to Leki in Ho (2006: 3) process approach is an approach to teaching writing that places more emphasis on the stages of the writing processthan on the final product. This definition is supported by Richards (2002: 308) that a commitment to content, fluency, personal voice, and revising is called process writing. But since all writing involves a process whether teacher focus on it or not, it is called process approach and to emphasize that when the students or writers pay attention to how a piece of writing is constructed. Harmer (2007: 326) also supports it. He says that process approach pay attention to the various stage that any pieces of writing go through.
2.      Several Points to be considered in Process Approach
 According to Brown in Polly (2009: 21), there are several points the teacher should pay attention to when helping the students to write by using process approach?
a.       Focus on the process  of writing  that lead to the final  written product.
b.      Help the students to understand their own composing processes.
c.       Help them to build reportoires  of  strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting.
d.      Give students time to write and rewrite.
e.       Place central importance  on the process  of revision.
f.       Let students discover  what they want to say as they write.
g.      Give students feedback  throughout  the  composing process as they attempt to bring  their expression closer  to intention.
h.      Encourage feedback  from both instructor and peer.
i.        Include individual  conferences between  teacher andstudents during the process of composition.

3.      Stages in Process Approach
According to Richards (2002: 315), there are four stages of process approach in writing an essay.They are planning (pre-writing), drafting, revising and editing. The same idea is stated by Blanchard (2004: 11). He says that writing as a process involving the following steps:
Step one: Prewriting
                    Planning and generating ideas

Step two: writing (Drafting)
Using your ideas to write  a first draft

Step three: Revising and editing
Improving what you have written

a.      Pre-Writing
First stage in process approach is pre-writing. According to Blanchard (2004:  11), pre-writing is a way to warm up the writer or students brain before they write. It is an activity in the classroom that encourages students to writeand stimulates thought for getting started.During on this stage, the studentsplan what they want to write, choose a good topic, and then develop ideas about the topic. Pre-writing consists of two techniques; they are planning the essay and generating ideas.
Planning the Essay
Planning the essay related to then arrowing and choosing the topic. When the students think about a subject and interested in to write, the students must narrow that topic. It would be impossible for the students to cover such a big topic, because the essay will be broader and many things can be explained. However, when the students narrow the topic, it will be more focus only in a specific topic. According to Field (2009: 99), if the students are planning their own title, make sure that the students deal withonly one aspect of a subject and fully understand it before starting work. It aims to avoid the bias of the content of essay.For example;


                From the example above, the students are interested in writing an essay about environment. This topic is still broader because there are still many aspects that the students will explain about environment. There are pollution, air pollution, land pollution, and so on. Because of it is still broader the students can narrow this topic to more specific topic for example the topic about pollution. It will be more focus and the content of essay will be not bias and perhaps the topic about Pollution is still broader, the students can narrow again into air Pollution if the students intererest in it.
Generating Ideas
            Following  is the  prewriting techniquethat students use  to generate ideas.
After the students choose and narrow the topic, the next technique is generating the ideas. This is done by a technique called brainstorming. The purpose of brainstorming is to develop the ideas in related to the topic. During the brainstorming stage, many ideas may be developed but only focus on the topic.
According to Watkins (1990: 2),brainstorming is a group activity in which two or more people freely and without hesitation discuss any thoughts that occur to them on a given topic without concern whether something is relevant or not everything is considered as a potential idea for possible user later on. It means that, the students can write all the ideas in related to the topic that comes onto t their mind. In another words Mills (1986: 2) states that brainstorming is a listing a specific ideas. It is like freewriting for gathering thoughts about a subject. There are two useful brainstorming techniques, they are listing and clustering
First technique is listing. The students think about their topic and quickly make a list of whatever words, phrase come into the students’ mind in a brainstorming technique. The purpose of this technique is to produce as many ideas as possible and to find a specific focus for the students’ topic of an essay. The procedure in making listing are; the students write down the general topic at the top of their paper and then make a list of every word or phrase that comes onto students’ mind about the topic and do not worry about spelling and grammar. The students should remember that their goal is to jot down the ideas come to their mind without worrying about whether an idea is important, interesting. For example:


Short stories
Tape recorder
Westeren films

Second technique is clustering. It is almost drawing a map of the students’ thoughts, using circles, lines, arrows, and words. It is another technique aimed at pulling as many different related thoughts out of the students’   mind.
According to Oshima (1983: 9), clustering is another brainstorming activity that the students can use to generate the ideas. The procedure of using clustering is the students write down the topic in the centre of their paper and draw circles around it.  It is supported by Blanchard ( 2004: 13) that clustering is a tecnique to show the connections among students’ ideas using circles or lines.For example:
Tape Recorder
Short Story

b.      Drafting      
Second stage in process approach is drafting. At the drafting stage, thestudents focused on the fluency of writing and are not preoccupied with grammatical accuracy or the neatness of the draft. According to Watkins (1990: 40)after students have gathered ideas and words in pre writing activities, the students are ready to write the rough draft. As inprewriting activities, the students do not need pay attention to spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistake at this stage.
While writing down the ideas, the students can use their native language if the students do not know the word or the students leave blank space and in the editing or revising space, the students can complete it. In this stage, the students can write more than one draft until the students can write the final draft about the essay.
c.  Revising         
The third stage in process approach is revising. According to  Sommers (1986: 21) revising includes large concerns such as determining whether it is organized clearly enough and whether it addresses its intended audience  to satisfy their specific needs or demands. It means that, revising involves looking at the whole essay as well as at each part, at paragraph and sentence structure, and the choice of words. Revising enables students to make sure that their essay is clear, precise, and effective.
Revising stage can be done more than twice.According to Watkins (1990: 4) after writing the first draft, the students rethink and rewrite the first draft to form the second draft. This re thinking  may take the form of reorganizing what has been written in the first draft, for instance sometimes ideas are added or ommited and also to check if the composition has an introduction in which the main idea is started, the body with supporting details, specific examples, and explanation a conclusion, the content of the introduction and the coherences of the writing.
The role of the teachers in this stage are; collect and keep the student’s drafts, revise the draft, give some guidance if the students writing are wrong and after that the students can rewrite it based on the teacher’s correction. It aims at making the students’ writing  to be good writing.
d.      Editing
The last stage in process approach is editing. It is the final step of process approach with the special attention to the grammar, punctuation, sentence, accuracy of supportive materials and spelling. The students will identify, analyze and correct the mistakes of an essay ( Watkins 1990: 5).

D.      Process Approach in Writing a Comparison and Contrast Essay
In explanation below, the writer states the example of a comparison and contrast essay.
1.      Prewriting
Inprewriting stage, the students will offer two steps, they are planningand generating ideas.
a.      Planning the Ideas
In planning the ideas,the students will narrow and select the topic of the subject that they will write.In this case, the students narrow and select the topic of comparison and contrast essay. In narrowing and selecting the topic, the students can use a diagram to narrow and select the topic easily. For example of planning the ideas of comparison and contrast essay:
Universities in Pennsylvania
Popular universities
State or Greenwell universities


From diagram above, the students stated three topics. Those are Universities in Pennsylvania, Popular Universities and State or Greenwell. The first topic is universities in Pennsylvania. It is still a broader topic because there are many universities in Pennsylvania and it is impossible forthe students to write an essay about all universities in Pennsylvania. Because of it, the students can narrow it to be Popular Universities as the next topic. However, it is still broader, because may be there are still many popular universities in Pennsylvania. Therefore, to make the students focus in writing a comparison and contrast essay, State and Greenwell are chosen by the students. The reason is there is only one university named State and there is only one university name Greenswell. Therefore, State and Greenwell are the most specific topic, and then the students will discuss about the differences and the similarities of those universities.
b.      Generating Ideas
A.            Brainstorming
1.      Listing
Listing is a brainstorming technique in which the students think about a topic and make a list of whatever words, phrase come into their mind. Below is the example of  the using of listing techniques in generating the ideas of comparison and contrast essay which the topic is State or Greenwell.
State or Greenwell?
Number of students
The richest students
The poorest students
Standars of education
The number of education
The number of classroom
The number of lectures
Personal attention

From the list above, the students state all the ideas of comparison and contrast essay which the topic is State and Greenwell, even the ideas are appropriate or not. The purpose is to produce as many as ideas come into the students’ mind. However, some ideas will be deleted after the draft is revised or edited, because from the list above, there are some inappropriate words and phrases to be used in completing the comparison and contrast essay.
2.        Clusterin
The drawing map below is the example of the using of clustering techniques in generating the ideas of comparison and contrast essay, which the topic is State or Greenwell.
Number      of studentss
State and Greenwell
Poorest studentss
Number of classroom
Standard of education
Richest students

In clustering technique, the students generate their ideas in drawing a map like what is  shown above. Everything the students can write and do not worry that the ideas have been written are inappropirate or not  on subject. If there  are any words or ideas are not appropirate, there is a next step that is revising to determine the ideas that appropirate on subject.
2.      Drafting
In this stage, the studentswrite a draft about our subject based on the ideas from the pre-writing stage. It means that, the students write a comparison and contrast essay by using the inappropriate and appropriate ideas.If there are any words or ideas are not appropirate, there is a next step that is revising to determine the ideas that appropirate on subject.
Look at the example of the using drafting stage in writing a comparison and contrast essay.
State or Greenwell?
                Last week when i received acceptances from my top two choices for college, state and greewell, I knew I had a difficult decision to make. Although I had talk to friends and relative who had attended both schools and had visited both  campuses many times, I could not make up my mind. It was only after I compared the location, cost,the number of the students, the number of the classroom, the poorest and the richest students  and quality of education of the two schools that I could finally come to my decision to attended Greenwell.
          The first thing I considered was the location. First  of all, both unversity are located in Pennsylvania, where i am from.  But that is where the similarities end. State’s setting  a safe suburb is definetely  more appealing than Greenwell’s location in a dangerous city neighborhood. I aslso like  state’s older campus with its beatiful buildings  and gardens more than Greenwell’s new campus.
 In addition to location¸ I had to pay  a lot of attention o the financial component. The tuition is the same at  both schools--$20,000 per year. However, Greenwell offered me a $3,000 scholarship, but state could not give me any money. Also, if I go to Greenwell, I can live at home and save on room  and board. Finally, since Greenwell is much closer to home,  I will not have to spend as much on transportation to and from school.
                The number of students is there almost 2000 students. The students who are there came from anyplace in Pennsylvania. In relates to the number of students there are similarities between both of schools, that is the number of woman are more than man and the difference is  more woman in State campus came village and in Greenwell more woman came from city. In relating to the students economic aspect, more students in State campus are rich than the students in Greenwell  campus.
The number of the classroom between state and Greenwell campus are different. In state campus, more number of classroom are in state campus and the least number are in greenwell campus.The similarities in relating to the number of class is the condition and and the size are same.
The quality of education at the two schools  had the mostinfluence on my decision. In many ways, State and Greenwell have similar standards of education. Both schools  have large libraries and exellent academic reputations. Also, state has a first class engineering department,  and so does Greenwell. So I had to look at other things. What it came down to was the difference  in class size between  the two unniversities.  State has arge classes and an  impersonal feeling. On the other hand, Greenwell has some classes and students get a lot of personal attention.
                In conclusion, after taking everything into consideration,  I think I made the right decesion. Since small classes, saving money and personal attention from my professors are very important to me, I will probably be happier at Greenwell.

3.      Revising
In this stage, the students revise the essay includes the ideas that they have generated. Revising can be done more than one until the students have a good essay and more emphasize in organization of ideas not in grammar or punctuation.
1.      Revise the generating ideas
a.       Listing
In revising the listing step, the teacher or students  underline  the ideas that do not fit  on subject. Below is the example of the using revising stage. In this example, the writer uses this stage to revise the ideas in listing technique of the comparison and contrast essay, which the topic is State or Greenwell.
State or Greenwell?
Number of students
The richest students
The poorest students
Standars of education
The number of classroom
The number of lectures
Personal attention
From the list above, there are some phrases are underlined. It shows that the underlined phrases or words do not fit with the topic. For example, the richest students and the poorest students. Those phrases are not appropriate to promote the universities. Therefore, those phrases will be deleted from the list and from the comparison and contrast essay.
b.      Clustering
It is same with revise the listing that the teacher will cross out  the ideas that do not fit on subject. Below is the example of the using revising stage. In this example, the writer uses this stage to revise the ideas in clustering technique of the comparison and contrast essay, which the topic is State or Greenwell.
Number      of studentss
State and Greenwell
Poorest students
Number of classroom
Richest students
Standard of education


2.      Revise the draft
In this stage, the teacher and students revise the draft. The teacher or students will underline or delete some ideas that do not fit on subject.Below is the example of the using revising stage. In this example, the writer uses this stage to revise the drafting of comparison and contrast essay, which the topic is State or Greenwell.
State or Greenwell?

Last week when i received acceptances from my top two choices for college, state and greewell, I knew I had a difficult decision to make. Although I had talk to friends and relative who had attended both schools and had visited both  campuses many times, I could not make up my mind. It was only after I compared the location, cost, the number of the students, the number of the classroom, the poorest and the richest students  and quality of education of the two schools that I could finally come to my decision to attended Greenwell.
    The first thing I considered was the location. First  of all, both unversity are located in Pennsylvania, where i am from.  But that is where the similarities end. State’s setting  a safe suburb is definetely  more appealing than Greenwell’s location in a dangerous city neighborhood. I aslso like  state’s older campus with its beatiful buildings  and gardens more than Greenwell’s new campus.
 In addition to location¸ I had to pay  a lot of attention o the financial component. The tuition is the same at  both schools--$20,000 per year. However, Greenwell offered me a $3,000 scholarship, but state could not give me any money. Also, if I go to Greenwell, I can live at home and save on room  and board. Finally, since Greenwell is much closer to home,  I will not have to spend as much on transportation to and from school.
    The number of students is there almost 2000 students. The students who are there came from anyplace in Pennsylvania. In relates to the number of students there are similarities between both of schools, that is the number of woman are more than man and the difference is  more woman in State campus came from village and in Greenwell more woman came from city. In relating to the students economic aspect, more students in State campus are rich than the students in Greenwell  campus.
The number of the classroom between state and Greenwell campus are different. In state campus, more number of classroom are in state campus and the least number are in greenwell campus.The similarities in relating to the number of class is the condition and and the size are same.
The quality of education at the two schools  had the most iinfluence on my decision. In many ways, State and Greenwell have similar standards of education. Both schools  have large libraries and exellent academic reputations. Also, state has a first class engineering department,  and so does Greenwell. So I had to look at other things. What it came down to was the difference  in class size between  the two unniversities.  State has arge classes and an  impersonal feeling. On the other hand, Greenwell has some classes and students get a lot of personal attention.
    In conclusion, after taking everything into consideration,  I think I made the right decesion. Since small classes, saving money and personal attention from my professors are very important to me, I will probably be happier at Greenwell.

From the comparison and contrast essay above, there are some ideas have been deleted. The reason is all the ideas that have been deleted are inappropriate or are not important to be stated or to be considered in related to determine which university would be chosen. For example,the numbers of students who come from village or city are deleted because it is not important to be considered, but the idea about the school fee is important idea to be considered in determining which university will be chosen.
4.      Editing
The last stage is editing. It is the final step of process approach with the special attention to the grammar, punctuation, and sentence.The students will want to identify by underlining  the erorrs, analyze and correct the errors of comparison and contrast essay. In this example, the writer uses this stage to edit the ideas of comparison and contrast essay, which the topic is State or Greenwell.
State or Greenwell?

Last week when i(I: must be in capital letter) received acceptances from my top two choices for college, state( State ; capital letter)and greewell, (Greenwell) I knew I had a difficult decision to make. Although I had talk   ( I had talked; past perfect tense) to friends and relative who had attended both schools and had visited both  campuses many times, I could not make up my mind. It was only after I compared the location, cost,and quality of education of the two schools that I could finally come to my decision to attended Greenwell.
             The first thing I considered was the location. First  of all, both university  ( universities; plural) are located in Pennsylvania, where I am from.  But that iss where the similarities end. State’s setting  a safe suburb is definetely  more appealing than Greenwell’s location in a dangerous city neighborhood. I aslso like  state’s older campus with its beatiful buildings  and gardens more than Greenwell’s new campus.
 In addition to location¸ I had to pay  a lot of attention o the financial component. The tuition is the same at  both schools--$20,000 per year. However, Greenwell offered me a $3,000 scholarship, but state could not give me any money. Also, if I go to Greenwell, I can lived  ( I can live; modal plus verb I) at home and save on room  and board. Finally, since Greenwell is much closer to home, I will not have to spend as much on transportation to and from school.
             The quality of education at the two schools  had the most iinfluence on my decision. In many ways, State and Greenwell have similar standards of education. Both schools  have large libraries and exellent academic reputations. Also, state has a first class engineering department,  and so does Greenwell. So I had to look at other things. What it came down to was the difference  in class size between  the two universities.  State has arge classes and an  impersonal feeling. On the other hand, Greenwell has some classes and students get a lot of personal attention.
In conclusion, after taking everything into consideration,  I think I made the right decesion. Since small classes, saving money and personal attention from my professors are very important to me, I will probably be happier at Greenwell.

From the comparison and contrast essay above, the writer has edited the essay in which the writer underlined all the incorrect grammar, incorrect punctuation, and so on.  For example, I can lived. It is incorrect form of grammar because the verb after modal always verb 1(one) so it can change I can live. Another example is the word state. It is wrong because for the name of place, name of college or university the initial letter always in capital letter.

E.     Theoritical Framework
Based on the review of the literature, the writer states the theoretical framework of this study as following:
In teaching and learning English, there are  four skills the students learn. They are speaking, writing, reading and listening. From the fourth skills, the writer focuses on writing skill. As a skill, writing is still the most difficult to be learnt by students. It is difficult because many language learners do not have such a good strategy or capability especially how to start their writing, planning the topic, generating  the ideas. Hyland ( 2003: XIII) says  that learning how to write in a second language is the most challenging aspects of second language learning. Based on this reason, the writer wants to help the students to write easily by offering process approach.
According to Leki in Ho (2006: 3), process approach is an approachto teaching writing that places more emphasis on the stages of the writing process than on the final product. In addition, related to process approach, Watkins (1990: 2) offers some stages in helping students to write easily. Those stages are prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing.Regarding with this study, the writer uses process approach includes all stages in order to improve writing skill of the eighth grade students of Accounting Program at SMPN 1 Sape in the academic year 2014/2015.
First stage is prewriting. In this stage, the writer offers some steps such as planning the ideas and generating ideas. In planning the ideas, the students select and narrow the topic meanwhile in generating the ideas; the students can generate their ideas by using brainstorming, clustering, and listing. Second stage is drafting. In this stage, the students start to write and it can be done twice or more than twice.The third step is revising. It aims to look and relook the ideas, the choronological activities of the students’ writing. The last stageis editing. It is related to  the way teacher edit the students’ writing. There are some things that the teacher can edit, they are the words, grammar, punctuation and the others.
F.     Relevant Studies
Ho in her thesis, which is the title Effectiveness of Using the Process Approach to Teach Writing in Six Hongkong Primary Classrooms (2006: 19), stated some advantages of her study. Those advantages are bring positive changes in most students’ attitudes towards writing and improvements in their writing habits and helped the students’ to improve their writing performance. In related to her study, Ho wanted to describe the process approach in teaching writing for the six Hongkong primarily classroom and based on the result of her study, process approach was successful in teaching writing.

Senin, 13 Juni 2016

English Speech about Education

English Speech about Education .Good morning my dear teacher, and dear friends, In this occasion I would like to deliver a speech about education, in particular I am going to talk about our responsibilities as students in relation with our education. My dear teacher and friends, we all realize that education plays important roles in our live. Education can provide us opportunities of what we want to be. Perhaps, some of us want to be teachers, lawyers, doctors, police officers and others, and those opportunities can be provided by the education that we get. We are lucky enough that we are on the right track to make our dreams come true that is by pursuing knowledge and skills in our school SMA one Kota Bima, one of the best school in Bima city. However, there is much to do for us. Therefore, it is time for us to rethink about our responsibilities in our education. My dear teacher and friends. The very first point I would like to tackle is about our responsibility to improve our capacity. I believe that every one of us has something that we good at. As language program students, for example, we are good in English subject. Thus, we have to focus on how to use our time as effective as possible to maintain and keep trying to improve our English skills. And with the help of our beloved teacher I believe we can reach the goal. There is no more room for us just to waste our time by playing around or sitting in front of television. I remember there is a saying that everyone has capacity to improve her or his self knowledge and thus she or he can be a clever person. So then, we should study hard. My dear teacher and friends. The second point of view is about our responsibility to maintain moral value that we get from our education. I believe that gaining knowledge alone doesn’t make one educated. Education is teaches us and helps us to determine which is good and bad. Today we hear a lot bad things done by teenagers, take for example drug abuse, and not respecting others. Such negative things indicate that we as students do not learn to keep moral deeds in the right track. We have to realize that the way we live depends on us, whether we want to have good life or bad one. So by having education we can learn how to behave well. So my dear friends let us keep in our mind that education is very important not only to improve our knowledge and skills but also to maintain good deeds. Indeed, in our education we should fulfill our live by studying hard and avoid doing bad things. That is all my short speech, thank you.

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

Permasalahan terbesar yang dihadapi para peserta didik sekarang (siswa) adalah mereka belum bisa menghubungkan antara apa yang mereka pelajari dan bagaimana pengetahuan itu akan digunakan. Hal ini dikarenakan cara mereka memperolah informasi dan motivasi diri belum tersentuh oleh metode yang betul-betul bisa membantu mereka. Para siswa kesulitan untuk memahami konsep-konsep akademis (seperti konsep-konsep matematika, fisika, atau biologi), karena metode mengajar yang selama ini digunakan oleh pendidik (guru) hanya terbatas pada metode ceramah. Di sini lain tentunya siswa tahu apa yang mereka pelajari saat ini akan sangat berguna bagi kehidupan mereka di masa datang, yaitu saat mereka bermasyarakat ataupun saat di tempat kerja kelak. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu metode yang benar-benar bisa memberi jawaban dari masalah ini. Salah satu metode yang bisa lebih memberdayakan siswa adalah pendekatan kontekstual (Contextual Teaching and Learning / CTL)

Definisi Pembelajaran Kontekstual (CTL)
Apa yang dimaksud dengan pembelajaran kontekstual tidak ada sebuah definisi atau pengertian tunggal. Setiap pakar dan komunitas pakar memberikan definisi beragam. Namun mereka bersepakat bahwa hakekat pembelajaran kontekstual adalah sebuah sistem yang mendorong pembelajar untuk membangun keterkaitan, independensi, relasi-relasi penuh makna antara apa yang dipelajari dengan realitas, lingkungan personal, sosial dan kultural yang terjadi sekarang ini (Moh.ImamFarisi,2005).

Definisi Pembelajaran Kontekstual atau CTL menurut para ahli. Ada tiga ahli pendidikan yang kami ambil untuk mendefinisikan pembelajaran kontekstual ini (CTL). Definisi tersebut antara lain.
Elaine B. Johnson
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) atau disebut secara lengkap dengan Sistem Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) adalah sebuah proses pendidikan yang bertujuan menolong para siswa melihat makna didalam materi akademik yang mereka pelajari dengan cara menghubungkan subjek-subjek akademik dengan konteks dalam kehidupan keseharian mereka, yaitu dengan konteks keadaan pribadi, sosial, dan budaya mereka.
Dengan pengertian tentang pembelajaran kontekstual diatas, diperlukan usaha dan strategi pengajaran yang tepat, sehingga dapat dicapai tujuan untuk mengantarkan guru dan murid dalam sebuah pendidikan yang kontekstual. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, sistem pembelajaran kontekstual mempunyai delapan komponen utama.
Komponen pembelajaran kontekstual tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. membuat keterkaitan-keterkaitan yang bermakna,
2. melakukan pekerjaan yang berarti,
3. melakukan pembelajaran yang diatur sendiri,
4. melakukan kerja sama,
5. berpikir kritis dan kreatif,
6. membantu individu untuk tumbuh dan berkembang (konstruktivisme),
7. mencapai standar yang tinggi,
8. dan menggunakan penilaian autentik.
Akhmad Sudrajat
Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) merupakan suatu proses pendidikan yang holistik dan bertujuan memotivasi siswa untuk memahami makna materi pelajaran yang dipelajarinya dengan mengkaitkan materi tersebut dengan konteks kehidupan mereka sehari-hari (konteks pribadi, sosial, dan kultural) sehingga siswa memiliki pengetahuan/ keterampilan yang secara fleksibel dapat diterapkan (ditransfer) dari satu permasalahan /konteks ke permasalahan/ konteks lainnya.

Contextual Teaching and Learning adalah konsep belajar yang membantu guru mengaitkan antara materi yang diajarkan dengan situasi dunia nyata dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan perencanaan dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari.

Dari beberapa pengertian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran kontekstual adalah konsep belajar pada saat guru menghadirkan dunia nyata ke dalam kelas dan mendorong siswa membuat hubungan antara pengetahuan yang dimilikinya dengan penerapannya dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari, sementara siswa memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan dari konteks yang terbatas, sedikit demi sedikit, dan dari proses mengonstruksi sendiri, sebagai bekal untuk memecahkan masalah dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari.

Karakteristik Pembelajaran Kontekstual
Menurut Johnson ada delapan komponen utama dalam pembelajaran kontekstual

1. Melakukan hubungan bermakna (making meaningful connection).
Siswa dapat mengatur diri sendiri sebagai orang yang belajar secara aktif dalam mengembangkan minatnya secara individual, orang yang dapat bekerja sendiri atau kelompok, dan orang yang dapat belajar sambil berbuat (learning by doing).

2. Melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang signifikan ( doing significant work).
Siswa melakukan pekerjaan yang signifikan: ada tujuan, ada urusannya dengan orang lain, ada hubungannya dengan penentuan pilihan, dan ada produknya atau hasil yang sifatnya nyata.

3. Belajar yang diatur sendiri (self-regulated learning)
Siswa membuat hubungan-hubungan antara sekolah dan berbagai konteks yang ada dalam kehidupan nyata sebagai pelaku bisnis dan sebagai anggota masyarakat.

4. Bekerja sama (collaborating)
Siswa dapat bekerja sama. Guru membantu siswa bekerja secara efektif dalam kelompok, membantu mereka memahami bagaimana mereka saling mempengaruhi dan saling bekomunikasi.

5. Berpikir kritis dan kreatif (critical and creative thinking)
Siswa dapat menggunakan tingkat berfikir yang lebih tinggi secara kritis dan kreatif yaitu dapat menganalisis, membuat sintesis, memecahkan masalah, membuat keputusan, dan menggunkan logika dan bukti-bukti.

6. Mengasuh atau memelihara pribadi siswa (nurturing the individual)
Siswa memelihara pribadinya yaitu mengetahui, memberi perhatian, memiliki harapan-harapan yang tinggi, memotivasi dan memperkuat diri sendiri. Siswa menghormati temannya dan orang dewasa. Namun siswa tidak akan berhasil tanpa dukungan orang dewasa.

7. Mencapai standar yang tinggi (reaching high standard)
Siswa mengenal dan mencapai setandar yang tinggi yaitu mengidentifikasi tujuan dan memotifasi siswa untuk mencapainya.

8. Menggunakan penilaian yang autentik (using authentic assesment)
Proses pengumpulan berbagai data yang bisa memberikan gambaran atau informasi tentang perkembangan pengalaman belajar siswa. Gambaran perkembangan pengalaman siswa perlu diketahui guru setiap saat agar bisa memastikan benar tidaknya proses belajar siswa. Dengan demikian, penilaian authentic diarahkan pada proses mengamati, menganalisa, dan menafsirkan data yang telah terkumpul ketika atau dalam proses pembelajaran siswa berlangsung, bukan hanya pada hasil pembelajaran. Penilaian autentik memberikan kesempatan luas bagi siswa untuk menunjukkan apa yang telah mereka pelajari selama proses belajar-mengajar. Adapun bentuk-bentuk penilaian yang dapat digunakan oleh guru adalah portfolio, tugas kelompok, demonstrasi, dan laporan tertulis.

Portfolio merupakan kumpulan tugas yang dikerjakan siswa dalam konteks belajar di kehidupan sehari-hari. Siswa diharapkan untuk mengerjakan tugas tersebut supaya lebih kreatif. Mereka memperoleh kebebasan dalam belajar. Selain itu, portfolio juga memberikan kesempatan yang lebih luas untuk berkembang serta memotivasi siswa. Penilaian ini tidak perlu mendapatkan penilaian angka, melainkan melihat pada proses siswa sebagai pembelajar aktif. Sebagai contoh, siswa diminta untuk melakukan survey mengenai jenis-jenis pekerjaan di lingkungan rumahnya.

Tugas kelompok dalam pembelajaran kontekstual berbentuk pengerjaan proyek. Kegiatan ini merupakan cara untuk mencapai tujuan akademik sambil mengakomodasi perbedaan gaya belajar, minat, serta bakat dari masing-masing siswa. Isi dari proyek akademik terkait dengan konteks kehidupan nyata, oleh karena itu tugas ini dapat meningkatkan partisipasi siswa. Sebagai contoh, siswa diminta membentuk kelompok proyek untuk menyelidiki penyebab pencemaran sungai di lingkungan siswa.

Dalam penilaian melalui demonstrasi, siswa diminta menampilkan hasil penugasan kepada orang lain mengenai kompetensi yang telah mereka kuasai. Para penonton dapat memberikan evaluasi pertunjukkan siswa. Sebagai contoh, siswa diminta membentuk kelompok untuk membuat naskah drama dan mementaskannya dalam pertunjukan drama.

Read more:
Beberapa ciri pembelajaran kontekstual antara lain:
1. Siswa secara aktif terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran,
2. Siswa belajar dari teman melalui kerja kelompok, diskusi, dan saling mengoreksi,
3. Pembelajaran dikaitkan dengan kehidupan nyata dan atau masalah yang disimulasikan,
4. Perilaku dibangun atas kesadaran diri,
5. Keterampilan dikembangkan atas dasar pemahaman,
6. Hadiah untuk perilaku baik adalah kepuasan diri,
7. Siswa mengunakan kemampuan berpikir kritis, terlibat penuh dalam mengupayakan terjadinya proses pembelajaran efektif, ikut bertanggungjawab atas terjadinya pembelajaran yang efektif, dan membawa skemata masing-masing ke dalam proses pembelajaran.

Berkaitan dengan peran guru, agar proses pengajaran kontekstual dapat lebih efektif kaitannya dengan pembelajaran siswa, guru diharuskan merencanakan, mengimplementasikan, merefleksikan dan menyempurnakan pembelajaran. Untuk keperluan itu, guru harus melaksanakan beberapa hal sebagai berikut :
1. Mengkaji konsep atau teori yang akan dipelajari oleh siswa.
2. Memahami latar belakang dan pengalaman hidup siswa melalui proses pengkajian secara seksama.
3. Mempelajari lingkungan sekolah dan tempat tinggal siswa, selanjutnya memilih dan mengkaitkannya dengan konsep atau teori yang akan dibahas dalam proses pembelajaran kontekstual.
4. Merancang pengajaran dengan mengkaitkan konsep atau teori yang dipelajari dengan mempertimbangkan pengalaman yang dimiliki siswa dan lingkungan kehidupan mereka.
5. Melaksanakan pengajaran dengan selalu mendorong siswa untuk mengkaitkan apa yang sedang dipelajari dengan pengetahuan/pengalaman yang telah dimiliki sebelumnya dan mengkaitkan apa yang dipelajarinya dengan fenomena kehidupan sehari-hari. Selanjutnya siswa didorong untuk membangun kesimpulan yang merupakan pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep/ teori yang sedang dipelajarinya
6. Melakukan penilaian terhadap pemahaman siswa. Hasil penilaian tersebut dijadikan sebagai bahan refleksi terhadap rancangan pembelajaran dan pelaksanaannya.

Penerapan CTL dalam pembelajaran
Kembangkan pemikiran bahwa anak akan belajar lebih bermakna dengan cara bekerja sendiri, menemukan sendiri dan mengkonstruksi sendiri pengetahuan dan ketrampilan baru. Lakukan sejauh mungkin kegiatan inkuiri untuk semua toipik. Kembangkan sifat keingin tahuan siswa dengan cara bertanya. Ciptakan masyarakat belajar (belajar dalam kelompok-kelompok). Hadirkan model sebagai contoh dalam pembelajaran. Lakukan refleksi pada akhir pertemuan. Lakukan penilaian otentik yang betul-betul menunjukkan kemampuan siswa.

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Contextual Teaching and Learning

1. Pembelajaran menjadi lebih bermakna dan riil. Artinya siswa dituntut untuk dapat menangkap hubungan antara pengalaman belajar di sekolah dengan kehidupan nyata. Hal ini sangat penting, sebab dengan dapat mengorelasikan materi yang ditemukan dengan kehidupan nyata, bukan saja bagi siswa materi itu akan berfungsi secara fungsional, akan tetapi materi yang dipelajarinya akan tertanam erat dalam memori siswa, sihingga tidak akan mudah dilupakan.

2. Pembelajaran lebih produktif dan mampu menumbuhkan penguatan konsep kepada siswa karena metode pembelajaran CTL menganut aliran konstruktivisme, dimana seorang siswa dituntun untuk menemukan pengetahuannya sendiri. Melalui landasan filosofis konstruktivisme siswa diharapkan belajar melalui ”mengalami” bukan ”menghafal”.

1. Guru lebih intensif dalam membimbing. Karena dalam metode CTL. Guru tidak lagi berperan sebagai pusat informasi. Tugas guru adalah mengelola kelas sebagai sebuah tim yang bekerja bersama untuk menemukan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang baru bagi siswa. Siswa dipandang sebagai individu yang sedang berkembang. Kemampuan belajar seseorang akan dipengaruhi oleh tingkat perkembangan dan keluasan pengalaman yang dimilikinya. Dengan demikian, peran guru bukanlah sebagai instruktur atau ” penguasa ” yang memaksa kehendak melainkan guru adalah pembimbing siswa agar mereka dapat belajar sesuai dengan tahap perkembangannya.

2. Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk menemukan atau menerapkan
sendiri ide–ide dan mengajak siswa agar dengan menyadari dan dengan sadar menggunakan strategi–strategi mereka sendiri untuk belajar. Namun dalam konteks ini tentunya guru memerlukan perhatian dan bimbingan yang ekstra terhadap siswa agar tujuan pembelajaran sesuai dengan apa yang diterapkan semula.


Selasa, 28 Februari 2012




Nama : Salahuddin, S.Pd, M.Ed
Tempat/Tgl Lahir : Bima, 14 Desember 1974
Alamat : Gang Kenari no. 29 A, RT/RW 02/01
Kel. Manggemaci- Kec. Mpunda
Kota Bima
Nomor Telepon : (0374) 44...
Hp. O85238275....


S2 (Master) : 2007-2008 pada Faculty of Education Flinders
University, Australia

S1: 1992-1996 pada Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu
Pendidikan, Program Studi Bahasa Ingris-
Universitas Mataram

SMA : 1989-1992 pada SMAN 1 Kota Bima
SMP : 1986-1989 pada SMPN 1 Kota Bima
SD : 1980-1986 pada SDN no. 2 Penana’E


1. 2008 Councellor’s Letter of Commendations dari Flinders University- Australia tahun 2008.

2. Certificate of Appreciation dari MIIAS (Masyarakat Islam Indonesia Australia) sebagai koordinator MIIAS-AIA Sport Tournament di Australia tahun 2008.

3. Beasiswa S2 APS (Australian Partnership Scholarship) dari Pemerintah Australia tahun 2007-2008.

4. Beasiswa PPA (Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik) dari Universitas Mataram tahun 1994-1996.
5. Juara I pada Lomba Inovasi Pembelajaran Guru tingkat Provinsi NTB tahun 2006.

6. Penghargaan dari Bupati Bima sebagai Guru Berinovasi Tingkat Nasional tahun 2006.

Penataran, Pelatihan & Seminar

Tingkat Internasional
1. The Introductory Academic Program for International Students pada Flinders University, Australia tahun 2007

2. Graduate Students Seminar and Workshop pada Flinders University, Australia tahun 2007

Tingkat Nasional
1. Seminar Nasional Lingkungan Hidup tahun 2009.
2. Workshop novasi Pembelajaran Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2006.
3.Pelatihan Bahasa (English for Academic Purposes) selama 9 bulan di Bali tahun 2006.

Tingkat Provinsi
1.Pelatihan ToT MGMP Bahasa Inggris tahun 2005.
2.Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Tindak Lanjut Hasil Uji Kompetennsi Guru SMP tahun 2005.
3.Pelatihan Guru Sekolah Jauh tahun 1999.
4.Penataran IMTAQ tahun 1999.

Tingkat Kabupaten
1. Diklat PTK bagi Guru SMP/MTS Tingkat Kabupaten Bima tahun 2005.
2. Diklat MGMP Tahun 2004.
3. Workshop KBK dan SKS tahun 2004.
4. Diklat Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru tahun 2002.
5. MGMP Bahasa Inggris tahun 1999.

Pengalaman Mengajar

1997- Sekarang : Mengajar sebagai Guru Tetap pada SMPN 2 Wera- Kabupaten Bima.
2009- Sekarang : Mengajar sebagai Dosen Tidak Tetap pada STKIP Bima dan STKIP Taman Siswa Bima.
1994-1996 : Mengajar sebagai Guru Tidak Tetap pada Madrasah Aliyah Blencong-
Gunung Sari, Lombok Barat.

Pengalaman Organisasi
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMP Kab. Bima 2011-2013 Sebagai Ketua
MIIAS (Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia Australia Selatan) tahun 2007-2008
PGRI (Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia) tahun 1997- Sekarang.
IPQAH (Ikatan Pembaca Al-Qur’an dan Hafidz) Kecamatan Wera tahun 2004- Sekarang.
MAPALA (Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam) FKIP UNRAM tahun 1994-1996.
HMPS (Himpunan Mahasiswa Program Studi) Bahasa Inggris tahun 1995-1996.
HMI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam) tahun 1994-1996.

Bima, 03 Maret 2012

Yang Membuat,

Salahuddin, S.Pd, M.Ed.


Choose the suitable word to complete the paragraph!

Life in the countryside is more relaxed than in the city. You can wake up in the morning and have a nice ......(8). You can live on farm. You can be a farmer. You do not have to run out your house and ....(9) to get on the bus. You do not have to fight to get on a ....(10) bus for an hour.

8. A. breakfast
B. lunch
C. dinner
D. Supper
9. A. call
B. order
C. queue
D. cancel
10. A. slow
B. fast
C. empty
D. crowded

Choose the suitable word to complete the paragraph!

An Indonesian businessman Zainuddin, a director of company in Central Jakarta travels to work everyday in a helicopter. He ........(11). To drive to work from his home in Bogor. One day he had a bad accident not to drive a car again. He..............(12). The helicopter and quickly learned to...........(13). It. Now he gets to work in twenty minutes.

11. A. uses
B. used
C. is using
D. will use

12. A. is buying
B. will buy
C. bought
D. buys

13. A. fly
B. flew
C. is flying
D. will fly

14. Lidya : There is not any sugar left, Ratna.
We need ... to make cakes.
Ratna : Okay, I will buy it then. Do we need eggs too?.
Lidya : No we don’t.
A. many
B. a lot
C. a few
D. any

15. Librarian : Stop talking, please!
You disturb other visitors.
Students : ........ We didn’t mean it.
A. we are sorry
B. we are disappointed
C. we are happy
D. we are pleased

16. Next week I.......... to Bali to visit my uncle.
A. go
B. went
C. have gone
D. will go
17. I ........... now. So please do not disturb me
A. studied
B. study
C. am studying
D. have studied

18. Two day ago, we ..... our new teacher
A. meet
B. met
C. are meeting
D. will meet

19. Edy : Can you take my umbrella, please?
Dian : There are four umbrellas here. ....... yours?
A. What
B. Which
C. What sort
D. Where

20. Putri : ...... are you, Alfi?
Alfi : I’m 18 years old
A. How old
B. How tall
C. How big
D. How heavy

21. Tourist A : Mataram is a lovely city, ....
Tourist B : Well, but I prefer Kota Bima.
A. is it?
B. does it?
C. isn’t it?
D. doesn’t it

22. Jasman : Where are you going next holiday?
Darwis : ...yet, but I might go to Adelaide. It is a big city in South Australia.
A. I don’t doubt
B. I am ready
C. I’m not sure
D. I don’t believe

Cinema Numbers of audience
May June July
Nusantara 8,706 9,576 7,343
Metropolitan 9,851 7,869 7,013
Plaza 7,686 8,067 78,76
Atrium 6,182 9,141 8,763

How many people have seen the fils at Atrium in three months?
A. 24, 086
B. 24,733
C. 25,625
D. 26,243

Hotel Prices
(per person, per night)

Grand Hotel $ 110

Royal Hotel $ 95

Flinders Hotel $ 75

Europe Hotel $ 75

From the table above we know that..
A. Royal Hotel is the most expensive
B. Grand Hotel is as the cheapest
C. Europe Hotel is as expensive as Royal Hotel
D. Flinders Hotel is as cheap as Europe Hotel

25. A: ……. The lion is dangerous.
B: Thank you.
A. Don’t move!
B. Watch out!
C. Take care!
D. Look out!

26. Rina : Look! The baby zebra cannot find its food.
Anto : It doesn’t know the danger in its surrounding …….
Rina : I think so.

A. too
B. so
C. either
D. neither
27. Hafifi : What do you think of Ronaldo?
Habib : He is…..confident but also strong.
A. nor
B. both
C. rather
D. not only
28. Dian : I am sorry, I did come last night …..I went to the doctor
Yanti : That’s fine.
A. because
B. so
C. however
D. though
29. A : Can I borrow your …., please. I need to look up words I don’t know.
B : Sure, here you are.
A. book
B. dictionary
C. novel
D. magazine
30. Mr. Ahmad is a…….. He delivers letters every day.
A. dentist
B. teacher
C. postman
D. librarian
31. A : Can I help you?
B : Yes, would like to save my money
The above conversation likely takes place at..
A. school
B. bank
C. shop
D. restaurant
32. If a person is sick, he/she should see a….
A. nurse
B. midwive
C. dentist
D. doctor
33. The animal which has a very long neck is
A. elephant
B. giraffe
C. cow
D. buffalo
34. The following are categorized as wild animals, except..
A. lion
B. tiger
C. wolf
D. cat
35. A badminton player would need a …….
A. whisle
B. bet
C. racket
D. basket
36. A : Could you …….., please. It is very hot in this room.
B : Yes, sure.
A. turn on the television
B. close the door
C. open the windows
D. turn off the air conditioned