This proposed study is aiming at investigating the using Jumbled-letter Board (Jumbo) in the teaching of ESL vocabulary. Specifically the study will seek the effect of the Jumbo towards the students’ motivation in learning ESL vocabulary and to find out its effect towards students’ achievement in vocabulary test. The subjects of the research will be the seventh grade students of SMPN 25 Bima, a secondary school in Indonesia. The design of the study is Non-equivalent Posttest Only Design in which 35 students of class 1A are as the experimental group and 35 students of class 1B as the controlled group. Three data collection techniques will be applied in this study. They are observation sheet, questionnaire, and achievement test. Observation sheet and questionnaire are used to determine the association between the using of Jumbo towards students’ motivation while achievement test is implemented to examine the effect of Jumbo towards the students’ achievement in learning ESL vocabulary. Both data from observation sheet and questionnaire are going to be analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient statistic whereas the test result of the two groups will be analyzed using a t-test statistic analysis. It is likely that there is positive association between the using of Jumbo and students’ motivation in learning ESL vocabulary and there is significant difference between the achievement of the students who are given treatment and students who do not receive the treatment.